Conflict in Grand Forks on Saturday: Argument over COVID mask and dog attack

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A quick look at what’s been happening around Grand Forks Saturday afternoon.
we’ve had a fairly quiet uh saturday so far in grand forks a couple of different incidents uh police were called to menards earlier this afternoon uh for a couple making a scene because they didn’t want to wear their masks well a couple of legal points on that most retail stores are privately owned and can set the rules just like you have to wear a shirt and shoes they can tell you to wear a mask if you create a scene you could be cited for disorderly conduct and one other incident uh oh at a development home in uh grand forks a client bit by a dog just after four this afternoon so far a pretty quiet saturday we’ll keep a tab on things i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Losing customers…it just makes em appear stupid… calling police over a store policy is ignorant…I grew up during the no shirt no shoes policy…never ever heard of someone being refused service … especially never heard of people getting police called on them !!

  2. I had a woman shout at me from a distance at Walmart the other day about my mask around my chin…Im a free American and I can do as I wish , as long as I'm not doing anything illegal , then back off "Karen" ! Store mandates aren't a law ….so back off !!

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