Chase Iron Eyes Video: Dakota Access Pipeline Protester

Dakota Access Pipeline protester, Chase Iron Eyes posted this video on facebook with message seeking financial help: “Seek the mountain as the mountain seeks you. People ask how they can help, please go to This is for people that can & want to help. Many thanks.”
hey guys um I just wanted to take a little bit of time to go live uh I don’t really go live Much Anymore um you know since the water protector struggle has uh has moved on from you know the Cannonball and Missouri Rivers but I do know I I’m still I pay attention and I know that you know there’s almost 800 people facing um criminal charges there’s almost 40 or 50 PA facing uh felony charges and uh Morton County might recharge some people with felony charges from the October 27th uh raid of the 1851 treat Camp the north Camp the one that was right in the path of the pipeline and uh you know I just came out on a uh on a walk I went walk about for a little bit and I’m trying to reach the top of this uh behind me here uh is a huge rock face but I’m I’m trying to uh I’m trying to get up there and uh I don’t know I’m from the Northern Plains and uh you can’t just you know decide to to climb a mountain one day even a little one you’ve got to be uh geared up and I didn’t bring that great a gear but but I brought uh one one uh one deal of water and you know I’m going to make it to the top of this but uh that’s about all all I got in me today is it’s it’s gets cold it gets cold up here the higher you get I just now reached uh the snow line if you can see uh around you know uh it’s just it’s it’s immense and uh you know I just I just reached the snow line and you know I I’ve uh I’m getting charged with a felony with inciting a riot and also Criminal Trespass and a lot of people are asking how they can help what they can do and uh I my nonprofit last real Indians uh we’ve been working out a standing Rock for the last three years shy River uh Pine Ridge reservation and you know wherever but if you want if you’re interested in helping me or lri you can go to um uh lastre and I know I know that uh you know people are are kind of in a state of confusion in a state of disarray because of uh what transpired after February 23rd and 24th or 22nd and 23rd at Standing Rock and and and the the forcible eviction I mean it’s hard to it’s hard to stomach and think about you know the other outcomes and that we really could have had a victory there um but you know blame and and and regret and kind of uh shooting our own brothers and sisters in in in the in the foot or or lobbing arrows at them um has never really got me anywhere and so um you know we have to move forward but we have to take you know what’s powerful the strengths the unity the international Spiritual Awakening that that happened on a global scale for the first uh for the first time possibly in recorded history I mean we we just we don’t know but um you know I know people are going through their own struggles and and I’m I’m in the same same place but you still have to seek and and search for things to be thankful for um you know one of our our philosophers said uh if you can’t find anything to be thankful for then the fault lies within yourself and so um you know whatever that is for you for anybody who who’s out there who’s who might be struggling you know however you seek divine inspiration whether that’s through sacrifice or through um you know suffering which are part of our cosmology part of our worldview um wherever you wherever you get that whether it’s um you know kind of isolating yourselves or maybe it’s it’s it’s the song of a bird that you might uh hear when you’re when you’re in that right moment or maybe it’s the the way that the Sun is setting or rising or the way it’s glancing off of water or maybe you see an eagle or an elk or you know just just like on this this little uh walk here um I heard somebody Akisha and that’s uh you know that’s the Lota word for for when you when you make a war a war cry or or a Battle Cry and um you know it’s it’s it’s significant and and I recognize what that is what it means I I respect that sanctity and um you know I I really just uh I had to take a break this is this is pretty tough um I don’t really know my elevation but I know that uh it’s you know the breathing’s a little bit different up here and you could just you could feel it I mean you think you can do it but uh you know you got to I just had to take a little rest so while I was here and it’s quiet in this little this little Cove right here um I decided just to to do a live update you know let you know I’m still out here I’m still kicking uh We Can’t Stop we won’t stop we got to keep pushing forward there’s a lot of people facing a lot of charges there’s there’s uh still uh camps that are live right now um maybe somebody can add them in my in my comment section but Oka Loa um the Sable pipeline down there in Florida where wherever there’s a struggle um and wherever your journey has taken you after Standing Rock um you know just know that we’ve all got your back we’re sending out our energy our compassion and our spirit and um you know we’re all we’re all on on different paths here but I think we we all know what we’re fighting for and we we’re seeking this spirit ual Liberation even a Liberation from you know material uh limitations uh indeed a a Liberation from the political uh legal and economic uh oppression and suppression that is represented by our uh our our corporate economic reality that that we find ourselves having to to live uh within uh and and within the confines of most definitely uh it’s hard I know it causes a a cognitive dissonance for everybody that does seek that spiritual Liberation but


  1. Much Love My Divine Brother.. We Are Always Praying Regardless For Us, & Here For Everything We Feel Is Ours Looking Within Is Not Hard We Discover Amazing True Nature….β˜βœŠβœ‹


  3. Its Illegal to arrest anyone protesting in peace and for life giving Water…..we have in the Courts the HIGHEST Courts of law for Citizens and it must be abided to! That is simily put all the people involved that is the Engineers the Police Force that Violated Big Time / Military? and so on. All of those Guys should take individual Responsiblity to the Respect of another Human Beings Rights to do so!!! We should fine each one 50 000 to be paid to the United Tibal Concil…. Awmen!!

    God Speed……..or we could get the Arcturian s to assist in a Human with Diginity Manner not Arresting them and making there long awaited Glory of Justice Day into a Dogs Day afternoon they should have more class than that we are in the 20th Century?

  4. its the simple things to be thankful for .. the big things were finghting for…justice for earth and for us…. and its from deep inside.Thank you for your honesty

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