Chaotic Fight Breaks Out at St. Paul American Legion

ST. PAUL, MN ( As many as 200 people were involved in a brawl in the parking lot of an American Legion Club in St. Paul.
and on Monday night a pair of st. Paul police officers were dispatched to a local American Legion Hall haven’t been told there was a large fight involving 25 to 50 people what they found when they arrived was instead something far larger with between 150 and 200 people brawling in the halls parking lot the rkd falen American Legion on rkt Street has been rented out for a celebration of life for a woman who had died recently the manager of the hall told the paper that everything was going well until the end of the memorial when a couple of men started arguing near the bar it spiraled out of control from there but the responding officers helped restore some order separating the fighters by directing them to leave the scene according to the police report the officers called back up and when reinforcements arrived the crowd finally dispersed this is not the first time that this particular American Legion Hall officially posts 577 has made the news it’s been the scene of some other notable crimes recently including a fatal shooting in April of 2016 and last month a brazen theft by a man who had apparently just strolled into the Hall


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