CAUTION: Explicit Footage – Full Videos of Fargo Police Shooting Incident, July 14, 2023

FARGO, ND ( The Fargo Police Department has released video of a July 14, 2023 shooting in that city, which killed 1 officer and the shooter, and wounded 2 other officers, along with 1 civilian wounded. These are the complete collection of videos released by the Fargo Police Department.


  1. Is it just me or is it that evey time they get shot or shot at they are always afraid and yelling and screaming for help. I wonder if they ever think that the people they kill unjustly have those same fears at the time of their death…hmmm!?

  2. I'm so sorry for the family of officer Jake wallin. I'm just being aware of this happening,I live in south Carolina. Don't remember this,but I hear full auto weapons being fired

  3. They wasn't even going to him. They were headed to the car that was in the accident. They were ambushed. My thoughts and prayers go out to their families of the office and the civilian. This was very uncalled for.

  4. I watched closely to see when he pulled into that parking spot. It was just minutes after the car in front was pulling away and the ambulance had left and before officers looked like they were headed for his car. I bet he had a police scanner and knew there would be lots of police in one place because of the TA and headed that direction from wherever he was.

  5. Catholic and Lutheran services in the north central US have been bringing Africans to the area for decades and it has destroyed Minnesota and North Dakota.

  6. To those who might be quick to blame immigration.

    This guy didn't bring his gun with him. He obtained it in "the land of the free and the home of the brave."

    In order to continue in its irrational belief that more guns can magically reduce gun deaths, this is the ongoing orice in blood the US will have to pay until it collectively realizes this.

    That a great swindle has been willingly bought into by the populace, which has it that the 2A is about personal protection. The words arevthere in black and white, in clear enough english. But people have been made completely blind to the principal clause about the maintenance ofva well regulated militia to protect the state. Instead, all they see is what they've been brainwashed to see; the last bit about the right to bear arms.

    The whole reason for this right has been subverted utterly,. As written and intended, it centers around the need for a militia before a standing army was raised. The 2A is not the Holy writ the proponents screech. It's a necessity for a certain time and circumstance. It's ling been rendered moot. Indeed, it was intended to guard against the kind of gun nuts you lot have today.

  7. Why didn't they say anything about that poor girl from the car accident!? She got up and tried running after the first shots stopped, but when he started shooting again, she landed in front of that tree and never moved again..did she survive, or was she another fatality? I'm sad for the officer who died, and I'm glad the other two survived, but what about the girl? She was, literally, an innocent bystander😥

  8. Yeah, Fargo, Grand Rapids that whole Red River area. Thanks to the US Government and the Lutheran and Catholic charity organizations who have sponsored thousands of "Syrian and other third country nationals" to the area.

  9. I've had that feeling of being watched and it stayed with me. As long as I am carrying my weapon I am on watch. A keen situational awareness not quite Hypervigilance. I stayed moving like needing the restroom pee pee dance. One day my interpreter gets shot in his chest plate and survives. Officers in uniform have got to feel the same or can get complacent depending on their location. With illegals moving about and others moving away and relocating. The who what why where and when are unknown. Very risky

  10. We all know that it's only immigrants that do this!! American born citizens never attack or ambush cops!! Maybe it has nothing to do with the person holding the gun but, in fact, how easy it was to get and use said gun!! Totally get that it's easier to bury the problem into a far greater problem, but what is easiest isn't always the best!! Merging the problem of gun violence with the immigration problem just clouds both issues!!

  11. This is the first time I have heard of this. It is hard to watch but people need to understand the daily risks that law enforcement officers face. I can't imagine . . .

  12. So! We all know by now he was an asylum seeker. But get this. Those coming into our country to do harm, they don’t play by the rules. Most Americans that are armed, aren’t armed with full automatics! Not only do these people want to see our country burn, they have better guns!

  13. The religion of peace ( Islam) strikes again. Biden and mayorkis let all these terrorists, human traffickers and organ8zed gangs into our country. We will now be dealing with this for atleast the next 20 years. All the politicians who allowed this to happen ( invasi9n) are just as guilty. . If your an arms dealer NEVER sell a gun to anyone named MOHAMMAD

  14. This was a terrorist attack. The shooter wasn't part of the accident and his car was not in the parking lot in the beginning of the of the accident investigation. Why was this not national news.

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