1. If a president dosnt affect the price of gas, Why does he keep opening strategic oil reserves to " help ease the burden at the pump for working class Americans" or make any sort of policy regarding foreign oil imports from other countries? If they dont make a difference why do they even talk about it. Neil you're a shill for an idiot. How about you just stick to counting cars that go into ditches when it snows.

  2. Its the truth , biden and the government thieves are behind all of the taxes rising and stealing all they can , the media is a puppet for the government and I agree with the stickers at the pump , he is a pedefile as well

  3. Remember when 20.813 gallons of gas was under 40 bucks? I hope everyone is getting huge raises and their student debt payed off like they were promised…….. Still waiting?

  4. How little do you think of your listeners Neil? That we would stop following our conviction to point out that energy prices have skyrocketed under this current administration? On the contrary I Faithfully promise that the very next pump I fill up at will receive a sticker.
    Don't be fooled if Trump was put in office today gas prices would be under 3 dollars within 2 months.
    Enjoy your gas prices all the poor and downtrodden the elites screwed us all over with media propaganda and a fraudulent vote in 2020.

  5. I appreciate your factual reporting. I honestly do, I consider it a key to your success, and am a subscriber. Once in a while you try to slip in your own political views. This time it was blatant especially with the last half of your report. Sorry to see you join the Main Stream Media because I do not need to be taught what to think. Unsubscribed!

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