Warning At The Gas Pump
KITTSON COUNTY, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The Kittson County Sheriff’s Officer has a warning about political stickers stuck on gas pumps around the region.
Caution at the Fuel Station

Warning At The Gas Pump
KITTSON COUNTY, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The Kittson County Sheriff’s Officer has a warning about political stickers stuck on gas pumps around the region.
Biden sucks
If a president dosnt affect the price of gas, Why does he keep opening strategic oil reserves to " help ease the burden at the pump for working class Americans" or make any sort of policy regarding foreign oil imports from other countries? If they dont make a difference why do they even talk about it. Neil you're a shill for an idiot. How about you just stick to counting cars that go into ditches when it snows.
Minnesota would protect Oatmeal for brains.
Can we do something about the TV advertising at the pumps lol.If I wanted to watch TV I'd go home
Lol it's still funny…
i'm sorry but a sticker is not property damage
Its the truth , biden and the government thieves are behind all of the taxes rising and stealing all they can , the media is a puppet for the government and I agree with the stickers at the pump , he is a pedefile as well
Remember when 20.813 gallons of gas was under 40 bucks? I hope everyone is getting huge raises and their student debt payed off like they were promised…….. Still waiting?
How little do you think of your listeners Neil? That we would stop following our conviction to point out that energy prices have skyrocketed under this current administration? On the contrary I Faithfully promise that the very next pump I fill up at will receive a sticker.
Don't be fooled if Trump was put in office today gas prices would be under 3 dollars within 2 months.
Enjoy your gas prices all the poor and downtrodden the elites screwed us all over with media propaganda and a fraudulent vote in 2020.
It's ok to burn a town down but put a sticker on a Gas pump oh my word the amount of tax dollars to accost the ordeal could end up in the gazillions
as crime goes wild in MN. Really
A jury would laugh at the prosecutor!
LOL!!! Neil please tell me you honestly don’t believe that presidents don’t Effect gas prices.
I appreciate your factual reporting. I honestly do, I consider it a key to your success, and am a subscriber. Once in a while you try to slip in your own political views. This time it was blatant especially with the last half of your report. Sorry to see you join the Main Stream Media because I do not need to be taught what to think. Unsubscribed!
Mn is a Democrat state. Fuckin commies. Keep up the good work folks. Keep stickin em
PUT THAT STICKER ON YOUR OWN BUMBER and another place that is your back side
The end is all lies this administration is fully responsible for the inflation of everything in this country
Using someone that sucked as an example of how someone else doesn't suck is hardly a convincing argument…
We hated Bush too! For some prospective. Trump won.
Someone who was brainwashed did that. Sad.
What a load of B.S. Neil !!! So if the president cant affect the price of gas why is he releasing oil from the strategic reserve !!!!!!
A little butt hurt Neil?
What biden is doing to this country is also illegal n nothing did about it.
neil carl-simp
AAA is out of their context saying a president does not affect gas prices! How about one that STOPPED the Keystone Pipeline???
OMG the Biden administration doesn't like it when they get called out
Let's go Brandon
never seen a group of people that cry about gas but probably have constant money to spend on tobacco products, alcohol (every weekend, if not every day or every other day) but simply can’t fill up their gas. it shows that a lot of you who constantly blame Biden for your issues have not learned what supply and demand is.. and how it even works. Sad to see grown folks act like babies under a YouTube comment section. LOL
If I owned a gas station, I'd WANT a sticker like that nicely placed on each pump as a reminder to my customers as to why the price of gas is so high.
I'd also want another small sticker next to old JB telling my customers to remember to vote accordingly next November. 
Goddamn Brandon can't stop lol
I have yet to find a gas station that doesn't have these
Mn would do that for a sticker
The price of gas is a market based cost. The more we use the more we pay. There is zero effect on gas prices from our leaders. Stop watching FoxNews, read a book
'energy experts' are about as truthful and realistic as yesterday 'covid experts'. We live in a world where these experts tell us things that we absolutely know to be true are 'actshully' false. Such as last week when our president called for regime change in Russia then the next week goes on the record saying he didn't 'actshully' say that. We now live in clown world.
Let's Go Brandon
The President absolutely has had a negative impact not only on fuel prices, but on the whole nation. Although I think the stickers are funny, restraint should be exercised.
If it was a BLM sticker you wouldn't be hearing him whine about it.