Burglary & Attack In Grand Forks

Daechaera Dominick
Daechaera Dominick

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) – A man and woman are facing criminal charges after a woman was assaulted and then both of them resisted arrest.
33-year-old Maurice Dominick of Fargo and 32-year-old Daechaera Dominick are each facing felony charges of burglary preventing arrests attempted simple assault and terrorizing in Grand Forks according to court documents the female victim reported three females including Daechaera Dominick suddenly entered her apartment and without permission punched her in the face demanding money police arrived to remove Daechaera Dominick from the apartment but she resisted arrest then Maurice Dominick got into it trying to pull Daechaera Dominick away from the police he too wound up being arrested saying in part to police quote I will F you up when I get out of this car unquote both arrested and now charged.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me

Maurice Dominick

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