Brooks Man Faces Multiple Felonies After Dramatic Grocery Store Burglary

Cody Landrus
Cody Eldene Landrus

Oklee, MN ( – A Brooks man has been charged in Red Lake County District Court after he allegedly burglarized an Oklee grocery store and then threatened a sheriff’s deputy with a large knife. Another man has been charged since he allegedly knew about the crime.

Cody Eldene Landrus, 33, has been charged with felony first-degree burglary – with a dangerous weapon; felony first degree criminal damage to property; felony threats of violence; gross misdemeanor obstructing the legal process, arrest or firefighting; and misdemeanor theft. Brenton Troy Gerholdt, 39, Oklee, has been charged with felony aiding and abetting burglary. They were arrested.

The charges stemmed from a burglary alarm Sunday, July 21 at E & J Grocery Store. (The complaints listed two different times as to when the alarm sounded, but it is believed that the alarm sounded at 10 p.m. or later.) Upon arriving, a deputy allegedly observed a man running about 20 feet from store. The deputy pursued the man, who was identified as Landrus. Holding his stomach, he was picking items up off of the ground. The items appeared to be packs of cigarettes, and a full bottle of vodka was lying near him. The deputy stopped him about a block from the store. Landrus allegedly continuously asked him why and said he always runs when he sees cops. Given the situation, the deputy told Landrus he planned to handcuff and detain him while he investigated.

Another deputy arrived and attempted to fully lock the handcuffs. Landrus allegedly began pulling away from him. He attempted to gain control of Landrus
who then allegedly pulled out a large, black object. The handcuffing deputy asked the other deputy, who had gone to his squad to speak to dispatch, what Landrus possessed. He yelled that it was a knife and instructed him to push Landrus away. The handcuffing deputy pushed him away.

Displaying his firearm, the handcuffing deputy then ran toward Landrus and pointed his firearm in Landrus’ general direction. Landrus told the deputy to
shoot him. The other deputy, about six feet away from Landrus, then deployed his Taser on Landrus. Landrus was subdued, and the deputies jumped on Landrus and threw the knife out of Landrus’ reach. Landrus continued to resist, but they were able to secure him.

While searching Landrus, the deputies allegedly found four sealed packs of cigarettes. When fleeing, Landrus also left a trail of four additional sealed packs
of cigarettes. Due to Landrus’ Taser injuries, deputies administered first aid to him before transporting him to jail. When given the opportunity to provide a
statement, Landrus asked to speak with an attorney and the interview was stopped.

On security footage, Landrus could allegedly be seen breaking the off-sale glass door to gain entry to the grocery store. A brick was found lying on the floor. According to the complaint against Gerholdt, Landrus entered the business twice. First, he allegedly stole three bottles of E & J Brandy for which
he hasn’t been charged. Landrus later reentered the store to allegedly steal the cigarettes and vodka.

Security footage from Security State Bank and Stepping Stones Daycare allegedly depicted Gerholdt walking by the daycare and Landrus shortly thereafter breaking the door with a brick. Gerholdt then drove nearby, and Landrus headed toward Gerholdt’s parking spot. Landrus then returned to the store,  stealing the cigarettes and vodka. Shortly thereafter, the deputy stopped him.

Landrus allegedly told Gerholdt that he planned to break into the grocery store. Gerholdt said he didn’t believe him and walked to the grocery store. Once there, he said he saw someone had broken a glass door there. Gerholdt’s wife said her husband informed her that Landrus planned to break into the grocery store. He had apparently voiced his plans a day before the burglary to Gerholdt. The Gerholdts and a third man then went to find Landrus, picking him up near the grocery store and driving him to their home.

Landrus, the wife and the third man drank from the stolen brandy bottles. At her husband’s request, Gerholdt’s wife threw the bottles into some bushes. The
sheriff’s office recovered the bottles.

Gerholdt allegedly said he didn’t know Landrus planned to reenter the store. When asked why he didn’t call the authorities when he learned about Landrus’ plans, Gerholdt said he wasn’t a snitch.

Brenton Troy Gerholdt
Brenton Troy Gerholdt


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