Breaking News Update: Inmate Complaints Sparked Fight at Grand Forks Jail

GRAND FORKS, ND ( We have an update regarding a major police response, following a fight at the Grand Forks County Jail last night. One deputy was injured. One inmate is facing assault charges.
Neil Berg here with an update regarding a big disturbance or fight at the Grand Forks County Jail uh late uh Wednesday night early this Thursday morning now I did talk with the sheriff’s department who says one of their officers a deputy did receive minor injuries responding to this to break up a fight at the jail and we’ll have uh assault charges filed soon against one of the inmates we’ll have that for you as soon as they’re filed now also what happened here we don’t have many details yet there was apparently a major disturbance fight at the jail we had numerous law enforcement there I did email back and forth here with administrator Brett Burkholder who says he’s still gathering information on all this and he’ll get back to me with that as soon as he has it so we’ll bring that to you the minute we have it in the meantime we’ve now just received a couple videos from inmates show those to you also basically as we earlier reported they’re complaining about the quality of food and that new recent complaint is they put money into canteen for food and other personal items a couple times a week and then you get it I believe it’s Monday and or Thursday but some of them say they’ve been putting money into canteen and not receiving the things that they paid for and also uh one of the inmates here is complaining about medical care whatever there’s always lots of complaints out of jail and as I said we’ll have an update from jail administrator uh Brett Burkholder as soon as we get that in the meantime here’s a couple of videos that have been sent to inews uh from inmates food commissary and medical attention the food issue has been ongoing and still has not been resolved Brett Burkholder is Administration then refuses to speak with inmates and asks what’s going on in this facility we haven’t gotten grievance back they’re supposed to take 72 hours Commissary for the second time this month has not been delivered on schedule on top of the lack of food we pay for commissary they take the money and don’t deliver the jail staff has been disregarded saying Burkholder is not in office and they never see him people are being denied medical attention which is grounds for a lawsuit we are continuously being laughed at we want change and this is not something we should have to continuously fight for money is Justin Faulkner I’ve been housed at the Grand Forks County correctional center we want change in Grand Forks County Jail we are being denied proper Medical Care proper nutrition and proper proper calorie intake as well as our canteen our money was taken out over a week ago and we still have not received our canteen as well food was fixed for about a week and again it went back to the same thing food portions are smaller we’re not getting proper nutrition as well in the proper calories we have filled out I have filled out grievances about the medical here and about a procedure that I was supposed to have done in June for My Heart Medical is denying me that procedure they’re not doing anything about it they’re saying I’m on the next Doctor list for months they have been telling me I’m on the next Doctor list I’m on the next Doctor list and I’ve failed to see the doctor have been here for about five and a half months and again I’m being denied medically neglected as well here as an inmate I think Grand Forks County Jail where he has inmates are requesting change in the Grand Forks County jail again those were complaints from inmates we’re still waiting to hear from jail administrator Brett Burkholder regarding all this and as we said one of those inmates from a fight last night assault charges are being filed uh we’ll bring those to you which should also reveal some more information of what went on here late last night early on this Thursday morning I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. It's hard to take pity on a pile of thieves and drug dealers.
    But they deserve humane treatment.
    It's not a resort. They do need to be fed.
    When we were kids everyone complained about school food and I thought we were fed like kings.
    But that was a long time ago.

  2. Don't get what you want, throw a tantrum, hit and fight like a child (or BLM ). A lot of comments ( mostly replies ) here are purely idiotic, it's jail! If you feel bad for these criminals, I'm sure you could take their place.

  3. πŸ€”

    Maybe not going to jail might help these issues?

    I mean, if you're not in jail, would these issues exist? πŸ€”

    You do crime, go to jail, can't get your commissary, the food sucks… WTF DO CRIMINALS EXPECT?! A STAY AT A 5-STAR RESORT!!

    Behave yourselves out in society, ffs! Stop acting in ways that land yo' a55 in jail! IT'S NOT BLOODY ROCKET SCIENCE!! 😠

  4. I have a complaint…….. we have too many people committing crimes, hurting people, and then the taxpayer has to pay to house them and feed them.

    I don't care about their complaints. Shut-up. Do your time. Try to be a better person if you ever get out.

  5. But that is right the food is bad its all cornbread or cakes hardly regular food and twice a week canteen cause they say they have no cards for the vending machine for months now and medical is non existant

  6. There is a vending machine u can look at the ramen noodles u want but cant get it cause they say they have no cards for months there is no reason for that and i had my blood preasure thru the roof and asked for medical help and they did nothing. The bp thing was over a year ago but the commisary was recent. How hard is it to get vending cards

  7. I suffered a mental health crisis in Grand Forks and ended up kidnapped by the grand forks pd charging me with 3 felonies I did not commit. They made up the charges and I was convicted of a felony. They took me off the street and I wasnt feeding myself. Then I suffered malnutrition because 2000 calories wasnt enough to go by. A 15 year leutenant remarked he had never seen a case handled like mine, evar! Grand Forks is a crap town sad to see it go.

  8. "Prisoner complaints' ROFLMFAO, why are they fed at all? they're locked up away from society because they proved they can't be amongst civil folk, they should be happey they're not chained at the ankle to a tree in the mmiddle of a filed, left to chance to the elements and what ever food they can eat that comes by, mice, insects etc.

    My way self corrects on so many levels.

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