Breaking News: Grand Forks Incident Involving Attempted Abduction

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A woman tells TRF News she believes she was the target of an attempted abduction in Grand Forks Thursday evening.
* At this point, Police aren’t commenting yet.
Neil Berg here with the rather chilling story of what sounds like an attempted abduction in Grand Forks Thursday evening on the phone with me as an area woman Zoey tell us her story what happened where were you what happened um I was in Grand Forks just stopping at the CVS to pick up a prescription for my daughter we had just left the walk-in clinic in East Grand was around 7 p.m. um I was just I dropped off the prescription and was just walking around the store waiting for her prescription and I didn’t notice anything weird at all I was just browsing random things and when I was leaving the store um I went out the first set of sliding doors of CVS and when I was going out the second set of doors I had to sidestep to get out the door because I was like walking towards the wrong side and when I stepped I noticed somebody like had to sidestep so I wouldn’t run into them and I hadn’t noticed anybody close to me when I was leaving the store to begin with and as I was walking out I noticed he was walking intensely close to me like behind me and I got kind of freaked out then and once we hit the road he beard off to the right to the other lane of cars because I was parked in the left lane of cars so I just thought okay I just cut him off that that’s it that’s why he was walking close to me and then as I was walking we were kind of park towards the end of the parking lot um there was a silver car chasing with the trunk out to the road two spaces from my car there was a space in between and as I noticed right before I got to the silver car the same man sprint from behind a big pickup I couldn’t see him until then he walked behind the other vehicles and I wasn’t really paying attention to him because I thought he was into his car over there sure and he sprinted towards me so of course I started like not sprinting but like walking faster to my car because I wasn’t sure what this man was doing and I looked at into my carpeting my son’s windows in there and I think like once he got closer to me he noticed what I was looking at and saw my husband and by the time he ran right in front of me right past me I was directly behind the silver car and he hit the top of the car and jumped in the driver’s seat at the same time I’m now jumping in my driver’s seat and quickly asking my husband if she saw this he wasn’t paying attention and we look in the trunk was open like as they sped away we couldn’t see the driver because we were parked facing the opposite direction oh my and it was very like terrifying again I like told myself how something stupid when I got freaked out just leaving the store I was like no no just being paranoid and then that happened and I’ve never had like an experience like that in my life so so you felt like you were going to get shoved in the trunk maybe if he hadn’t seen your husband yes well I was telling my husband like before we looked I was trying to talk really fast like jump in the car like I feel like he was just going to like drag me into the car and when we looked to see their car driving away we noticed the trunk was open I was like oh my god no he timed it out so I was by the time he would have like hit me I was right behind the car okay now have you reported this to police I have called the police when I got home I was in disbelief and had my crying infant in the backseat and still had to drive 20 miles home oh okay no but so you did talk with police oh yeah I called the police and then I have to go in to talk to an officer I have to go into the police department well that’s good hopefully I mean there’s a ton of surveillance cameras around 32nd around that store an area so maybe they can find something yes I’ve talked to I’m a lady who works at the CVS and she was going to talk to her manager today to see if they can pull those footage so I rise what I was when I was wearing and stuff to her rip it out alright well glad you’re okay thanks for telling your story yes thank you we’ll keep you updated as to any new developments on this story I’m Neil Berg reporting for


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