Breaking News: Fire Erupts Near Grand Forks Motel

GRAND FORKS, ND ( We have a report of a vehicle fire next to a Grand Forks motel that started the building on fire. It appears firefighters have it under control.
* Check back later for the latest on this developing story.
uh breaking news out of Grand Forks on this uh Tuesday evening a video coming in here at uh 5 52 p.m we have a fire out by the Knights Inn and Suites this is off Gateway Drive uh just a west of I-29 uh 1211 North 47th Street radio traffic uh indicated that a car or vehicle was on fire and then started the building on fire the motel has been evacuated we have a couple different cameras on the scene we’ll try to get more information and update this story soon but again a report of a vehicle fire that started the Knights Inn and Suites Motel on fire in Grand Forks at uh 6 p.m on this Tuesday it appears the fire is under control here’s an interview with one of the folks who was staying at the motel and evacuated well we were just watching TV and there is in the moment the one of the officers of the door that we were thinking they’re going to get inside and they said that we had to evacuate the building because in the other side there was a fire and we didn’t know what to do in that moment because it’s the first time that we when it happened for us we came from Puerto Rico and we just came out going to for the other side of the building outside and my wife left her shoes over there so I told her to get grab my shoes and I’m right now without them but what did you all grab what did you all grab well we only take all of the the children team the baby and the baby the baby pamper the formula everything that for the little kid that yeah we were more worried about all of the things so from then the hours really but I’m glad you got out safe thank you so much okay bye-bye a vehicle fire along the Knights Inn and Suites off Gateway Drive and I-29 on this uh Tuesday evening we’ll have more details as soon as they’re available I’m Neil Berg reporting for inews DOT TV foreign


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