Asphalt Plant Permit Approved by East Grand Forks Council

EAST GRAND FORKS, MN ( The East Grand Forks Council on Tuesday approved a “Special Use” permit for a new asphalt plant.
the east grand forks city council on tuesday gave approval to a special use permit that will allow zaverle construction to build an asphalt plant east of american crystal sugar protocol please dimmers epstein larsen yes better no helms yes repel yes johnson yes wolfstead yes motion is carried despite objections by some residents over possible noise and odor problems the council voted five yes one no and one abstaining to allow the plant some other permeating needs to be finished up but zavrel’s basically now have approval to move forward with the plant here are some of the conditions of that special use permit so with that being said staff has reviewed the application along with the recommendations coming from the city council the applicant and from the public comments in the public hearing and has compiled the following recommended conditions to be placed on the use so i’ll go through those here just real quickly and you’ll indulge me it’s over there one the road leading to the site must be hard a hard surface roadway within three years unless otherwise agreed upon by the applicant and city council if dust becomes a nuisance the piles and or gravel road needs to be watered or calcium chlorate needs to be added three while the asphalt plant is in operation the city’s noise ordinance will be followed this condition is applicable only during the operation of the asphalt plant an annual decibel test taken during operation will be submitted to the city four they must follow the minnesota administrative rules chapter 730 regarding noise pollution the the land use activity that would be that would be would be used as classified as a level three under the noise area classification five require a dry dry hydrant and water retention pond to hold 1 120 000 gallons of water at any given time to meet the minnesota and city fire code requirements six the asphalt plant must hook up to city electrical service once it is available at the site seven a top soil berm is required on the south end of the property and larger trees or a hedgerow will be planted on or near the south and east sides of the property within five years eight the plant operation cannot be substantially modified without city approval and at the city’s sole discretion the site will allow a maximum of 300 tons per hour operation average per year nine the asphalt plant must be in substantial compliance with all city state and federal permits including the air emissions permit and the national pollutant discharge elimination system and pdes permit all monitoring and admissions reports submitted to the state or federal governments must be submitted to the city annually so with that um those are with those conditions then i as the city administrator recommend the approval of the special use permit with those conditions listed i’m Neil Berg reporting for

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