THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN ( Textron, the parent company of Arctic Cat in Thief River Falls and St. Cloud, Minnesota has released a statement saying they are shutting down those plants in 2025.
Arctic Cat to Close Plants in Thief River Falls and St. Cloud by 2025

thank the democrats, paying trillions to support three jewish proxy wars and a multi billionaire football franchise owner while ag ellison is getting the largest law suite against a business in american history just more proof their cronies are far more important than supporting business in Mn. Mn has had two years of all time record business closings under democrats tax and regulate policies all while giving out record taxpayer money on failed socially derived racist and sexist economic development programs
And this is how the employees find out wow
In the 60s, the I 500 from Winnipeg to St Paul was a big deal. One time they came through our town. That was back when Minnesota used to get lots and lots of snow and bitter cold weather. Arctic Cats took the trophy in 68 and 69. This was a bad-ass race that should not be confused at all with one in either Michigan or Wisconsin where they go around a track. Snowmobile suits were a new concept. One of the racers, Herb Howe, broke his leg during the race. The ER doctor wanted to cut his brand new snowmobile suit off and he said "not over my dead body".
The purge has begun.
I liked Arctic Cat over the years, hate to see this happen. As others have stated cost of a new machine is way to expensive.
Bidenomics, strongest economy in history they say. Sure looks like it
To bad the employee's can't try a buy out?
There just to damn expensive
Be sure to hide that Greg’s lawn care comment Niel
Liberal Minnesota makes it hard for businesses to succeed, in contrast Polaris in Alabama is flourishing
I Rather buy Chyna made lmao
better quality then anything American made 
Trump will make it all better, LOL
What a sad day even though we have seem it coming for a decade now in slow motion. It doesn't feel real yet.
Like Cat or not , this isnt good for MN , the employees , TRF .
No snow , high priced, tough economy , and kids dont go outside anymore , got their phone + games to play with .
Very sad . Once was a great company . Kinda knew it was coming , Textron is Known for buying and closing companies .
Why dont the great Walz bail them out and save TRF and its employees.
No more cat gone
The writing has been on the wall for a long time, Arctic Cat became irrelevant
Textron ruined this company.
wish they could have held out a bit but bidenomics is killing everyone. hell people need to eat!! change is coming though.
Sad. Huge cat fan..icon in Minnesota.. feel terrible for the employees. This problem started years ago with there mis treatment of their dealers. Ask one sometime. Maybe they will resurface like Indian motorcycle did 40 years from now. Tragedy.
you can ride a snowmobile if there is no goddamned snow none last winter really none yet this winter haven't plowed snow since 2022
I live less than an hour from trf
NW MN is dying. It's why I moved my family to the cities.
Haven't had decent snow in a few years in Minnesota. Used to see flocks of sleds running the ditches. Not anymore. Sad
Not enough snow and not enough customers. When you only have thousands of people buying your product, that's a tip.
Bring back the 90s, early 2000s sleds