America’s Busiest Airport is Grand Forks Airport

GRAND FORKS, ND ( The Grand Forks Airport was ranked as the busiest in America for several days in March, because of UND flight training.
und flight training made the grand forks airport the busiest in the nation for several days in march and maybe one of the busiest airports in the world this in from und quote according to official federal aviation administration numbers grand forks international airport was the busiest airport in the nation for several days in early march specifically grand forks combination of passenger flights and und flight training traffic topped all airports in the united states on march 1st through 3rd as well as on march 8th the feat was noticed by grand forks air traffic controllers as all airports are required to report traffic data to the faa air traffic numbers take weeks to become official and today the faa confirmed the early march reports in such a case grand forks didn’t trounce the lights of likes of atlanta and chicago by numbers of passengers flown but by the amount of instructions to take off or land referred to as operations issued by its control tower during the multi-day streak grand forks tower relayed as many as 2 000 instructions to pilots taking off and landing on a given day historically und’s full schedule of student flights puts grand forks in the top 25 busiest airports nearly every year i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye news dot tv

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