Will the Immigrant Justice System Prevail? Grandfather of Grand Forks Murder Victim Speaks Out

Will Immigrant Actually Face Justice? Grandfather Of Grand Forks Murder Victim Speaks Out

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A native of Somalia plead guilty to murdering a Grand Forks woman today. But, it’s still unclear in this case whether justice can actually be served.
*.Spelling correction: “Somalia”.


  1. He should receive life. People went to lots of trouble to give him a decent life here and what does he do. he gets here and commits many crimes instead of trying to take of advantage of the opportunities here for a better life. Do not deport him, send his butt to the cold ND prison. I agree, he should have been deported after he committed the first felony.

  2. This is one of the reasons I moved out of Grand Forks. I had one threaten me, heard many of them brag about how easy it is to get out of jail after crimes, saw one run through a building trying to stab random people and then jump in someone’s car, and one woman that was beaten like a man.

  3. So sick and wrong…if anything other than life in prison is handed down, a great miscarriage of justice will have taken place once again here in Grand Forks.

  4. I showed you a simple flowchart from Stanford Law easily disproving any of your claims, so you ban me from commenting on your Facebook page? Quite petty. Don't get those xenophobic clicks without that baiting, though.

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