Toddler Found with Suspected Drug Traffickers En Route to Grand Forks

Toddler Accompanied Alleged Drug Traffickers Traveling To Grand Forks

GRAND FORKS, ND ( Two alleged drug traffickers from the Twin Cities area were arrested in Grand Forks County today in possession of 2,500 Fentanyl pills. One of the suspect brought her toddler along for the ride.


  1. All the brilliant comments here. Another day in the valley of the uninformed and uneducated.

    Some facts…
    Drugs are not a new thing. You just now understanding how widespread drug use is does not equal this being a "new" problem

    The war on drugs has been raging for 100 years. It's not different than prohibition of alcohol. Current drug laws should be repealed and replaced by a regulated system that creates tax dollars to pay for treatment.

    You want a safe and productive society? You will never have it by creating black markets or incarcerating people for addiction.

    If you can make a couple hundred thousand a year selling drugs then why find a real job? We can eliminate a lot of drug use, gun violence, incarceration and tragedy.

  2. Hopefully this child will find a good family raising him/her in the faith and will be a productive citizen who will follow bible and constitution of the USA instead of the tv and the influence of the children of cain.

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