Wrangling Sheep in Montana

HARLOWTON, MT (trfnews.i234.me) Here’s something you don’t see everyday! We talk with rancher, David Miller as thousands of sheep pass through Harlowton, Montana.
neil carlson on the phone with me is that david miller out in harlem montana well the sheep going through town there caught my eye so can you tell folks what was going on there um we we run several miles to the west and uh every year we bring them into the river which is our headquarters and then we’ll shear usually within two three four days after we bring them through so um the fastest way there is right through the middle of town so they’ll come about 30 miles in two days time and then we’ll trail them through town and another five miles down to the ranch headquarters how many sheep was that about that one through town oh i don’t want to tell you that you have to count them there’s quite a few oh a few thousand i i told people there’s a couple bands you can google what a band is and try to figure it out okay so so that’s the yearly thing so are where do they spend the winter mostly the winter on a ranch north of two dot montana it’s probably 20 miles from that town and we feed them cake out there and they just uh live out there on grass so when you say feed them cake what does cake mean i’m not a gay friend usually um oh usually they use molasses and it’s compressed green pellet okay so it’s not angel a protein that keeps them warm and then generally they just live on the grass out there most of the winter unless there’s this bad storm then we have to feed them all right so you’re sharing them now that then then what happens where do they where do you put them in here they’re monday so usually we’re here three or four days after we bring them through that usually takes about three days then we’ll go through the landing operation usually that’s within two weeks get all the babies on the ground and then the normal would be to put them in trucks in smaller groups and haul them back to where they came from back that way you’re taking a truck okay all right looks like quite an operation it’s not something you usually see around here every day it’s just normal dad so all right okay thanks for talking to me today okay good luck all right take care you


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