Woman Accused of Opting for a Large Choice Instead of Returning Home

GARY, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A Gary, Minnesota woman has been charged with stealiing hundreds of thousands of dollars from her employer and making $1.8-million in bets at a local casino.
41 year old melissa young of gary minnesota allegedly decided to go big rather than go home at the shooting star casino in manoma but our story starts 14 miles east of here over in gary minnesota at the star of the north bean company where young has now been charged with four felonies of theft by check theft by divert corporate property theft by swindle and financial transaction card fraud according to court documents in july of 2019 norman county sheriff’s department was contacted by the owner of the star of the north bean located in gary young had been working as a secretary and did payroll she allegedly changed her hourly rate of pay from 19 an hour to 26 dollars an hour and allegedly paid herself 29 extra payments in 2019 totaling 55 966 dollars and there were alleged misuses of credit cards and checks an investigator determined young gave herself three hundred and five thousand four hundred twenty four dollars from april of 2016 to june of 2019 according to the investigator she played 1 million 852 000 at the shooting star casino between 2015 and 2019 losing a total of over thousand 358.000 i’m neil carlson reporting for inews dot tv


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