Winona LaDuke Arrested in Line 3 Pipeline Protest Near Park Rapids, Minnesota

PARK RAPIDS, MN ( Winona LaDuke was among 7 more people arrested in another Line 3 pipeline protest near Park Rapids, Minnesota todaay.
as we told you this morning it sounded like another pipeline protest was going on south of park rapids uh minnesota and this now in from as they call themselves the water protectors uh they also provided this video would winona leduc was among seven women arrested today at the shell river this is where line three will cross underneath the shell river in five places uh water protectors say the women gathered at the shell river are acting in a collective care of their communities standing for the rights of the shell river and honoring treaty rights across the waters through uh shinaboya territory again uh seven women arrested including wadon winona leduc executive director of honor the earth to date uh over 500 people have been arrested expressing opposition to line three i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. I think it is the work of fools to block a replacement steel pipeline to one that has been rusting in the ground for 60 years.

    It is much better to have new metal and newer technology to rely on to move crude oil.

    Each and every protestor must use fossil fuel. The further they reside from the pipeline the more fossil fuel they use to protest.

    So, they are hypocrites.

    Looking at the pipeline from where it can be viewed from the highway, it appears to be buried, well covered, and no threat to anyones hunting rights.

  2. Such a white thing to do , can't just go around the little bit of land you left them after your slaughtered and starved them to death. Ps I am white and 25 percent Chippewa. Get over flexing and just go around you probably could have accomplished that goal by now if you planned the route a bit better.

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