Wild Arrest of Minneapolis Man at Lake of the Woods Resort

Wild Arrest Of Minneapolis Man At Lake Of The Woods
Wild Arrest Of Minneapolis Man At Lake Of The Woods

LAKE OF THE WOODS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) – Brian E. Wolf, a 45-year-old from Minneapolis, faces felony and misdemeanor charges following a bizarre incident at a Lake of the Woods resort. On August 4th, Wolf was ejected from Arneson’s Rocky Point bar for belligerent behavior and repeatedly attempting to start fights. When a deputy followed him to a nearby cabin, Wolf’s family reported he had been kicked out from there as well. After consuming a bottle of vodka, Wolf was found by the deputy walking and ignoring commands. He reportedly pulled down his pants and danced provocatively. Once detained, Wolf threatened the deputy, saying he would find and harm the deputy’s family. Wolf is now charged with felony threats of violence, disorderly conduct, and criminal damage to property.

I’m Alex Stone reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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