White Earth Band Plans to Acquire and Revitalize Neglected Bemidji Apartments

BEMIDJI, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The White Earth Band has announced it’s purchasing the trashed Ridgeway Apartments.
of following ongoing crime drugs and trash departments a Fargo company closed down the Ridgeway apartment building here on the left and was in the process of closing the building on the right but now there’s New Hope for these buildings and the people who live there this from the white Earth band quote the whitest brand plans to purchase a Ridgeway Court Apartments in Bemidji to help address homelessness and addiction tribe proudly announces that it will soon close its purchase of the Ridgeway Court Apartments in Bemidji white Earth band envisions The Ridgeway Court property as its future Sober Living Community the white Earth band intends to renovate the buildings to better provide needed re-entry and supportive services for its band members and other eligible tenants white Earth band’s acquisition of the Ridgeway Court property aligns with its ongoing work to address homelessness and addiction through its behavioral and Human Services divisions the white Earth band is aware here that the Ridgeway Court Apartments were one of the few low-income housing opportunities in the Bemidji area and that the current tenants have long suffered from distressed facilities the white Earth band intends to allow current lawful tenants to continue to occupy their units for up to 180 days after closing white Earth band will immediately secure the buildings to protect against extreme weather and unauthorized entry by non-tenants the ban will do its best to ensure current lawful tenants are connected to the services they need to obtain alternate housing unquote again the white Earth band to take over the crime and drug-ridden Ridgeway Apartments here and try to breathe some new life in them for low-income folks I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me


  1. “It’s not there fault” it’s only there fault that the ones in there were from the reservations they never take pride in where they live or where they throw there garbage. It’s sad they say the “white man” destroys there land yet they dnt wanna clean up there own towns and ridgeway was baisicly a drug factory anyways. It needs to be torn down and made into a parking lot but I’m just a white guy who’s lived all his life here and is always hearing about how “racist/predjedous white ppl are towards them yet we give them grants for school there land and there’s even white ppl who volunteered to go clean up some of the stuff on the reservations and they get threatened and ppl shoot at them and before anyone tries to argue about it I really dnt care I dnt listen to rumors or gossip I have seen this town go down the toilet year by year moving more ppl that dnt wanna work and act like there “gangsters” I used to actually like going and doing things in this town but now if u dnt carry a gun or any protection ppl r getting stabbed killed and beaten up by the “gangsters” who think it’s cool to keep destroying there towns and lands they have because we just keep giving them back whatever they want because ppl are to scared to stand up and say what needs to be said and the things that need to be said are facts and truth about what they do and they even kill eachother around here and it’s 99% over drug deals and ppl especially white ppl are scared to say anything because they might be racist/predjedous well I’m over that who thing I’m gunna be called racist or predjedous nomatter what because I am white n I’m tired of hearing how bad they have it when 90% of them are on welfare because they dnt want to work and I have family that live on the reservations who tell me everything I just said is how it happens. I also have friends who work all the time at regular jobs and have there own businesses who say the same as me they dnt wanna work and think they deserve stuff for free n there more then capable of working they just dnt want to. Well that’s my opinion for the day and I’m looking forward to seeing who comment on this to tell me what I already know there gunna say and guess what it dnt matter to me one bit 😊 and if it gets deleted it just shows how many ppl dnt want to hear the truth about Bemidji

  2. The public needs to ask why the WEB wants to keep those apts. filled with drug addicts. & BTW – didn't the current owners decide to clear the places out b/c the apts. are unfit for human habitation & full of code violations???

  3. Stupid ass tribe I live in white earth and we need home here not in some town..
    Maria denomie was sold heroin and killed I made out three police reports on who I seen sell it to her but nothing happened…

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