What’s Coming Up Next Week on TRF News: Exploring the Kennedy Assassination Site, New Orleans, and More!

UNITED STATES (trfnews.i234.me) Join TRF News this coming week as we make stops at the Kennedy assissination site, New Orleans and more.
coming up next week on I news as we continue our journey down Interstate 10 the Christopher Columbus transcontinental Highway we’ll make a stop in Dallas look out on the street back there that X on the street marks the spot where the Fatal shot struck President Kennedy the man who shot him Lee Harvey Oswalt of fired from the sixth floor The Book Depository back there then on Tuesday a stop in New Orleans foreign [Music] prostitution like whatever once you hit Bourbon Street that’s what all the demons like ledge on to you that’s coming up next week on I news with stops in Mississippi Alabama and Florida I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me [Music]

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