What Is Making a “Boom” Sound at Night?

PINE RIVER, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Quite a few folks around Pine River, Minnesota are reporting unexplained explosions in the night.
here’s a recording of what a lot of folks are reporting hearing in pine river north of brainerd again a ring doorbell camera recording of what folks in pine river say they’re hearing in the night now here are some of the comments from a pine river bacchus area chat group i was asked to join quote why hasn’t anyone done anything about the big explosions booms going on every couple of nights scares the crud out of me and my dogs every time so here’s another comment again someone knows who’s doing this please come forward so we can stop these explosions before someone gets hurt here’s another person i’ve been hearing it in nisswa too might not be the same people if i hear it that far away another one i heard it last night but about a month ago people in my neighborhood heard it on a sunday around noon uh one more comment here i followed two different minnesota towns on facebook and these towns have reported the same unexplained explosions with it never being found or who is responsible so who knows what’s going on i made a call into the cass county sheriff’s department the dispatcher had no idea what what i was talking about we’ll keep you posted i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye news dot tv


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