1. Not planets because we see this in Texas every night. They seem to be soaring or gliding or falling towards Earth. Because they seem to be getting closer to us each night. And sometimes there are more of them at once in several different parts in the sky. Sometimes with a red pulsating light. Looks like the white eyes of something sparkling like dragons.

  2. I saw this also from the East Coast around the same date. They've been in the skies for awhile (like for several months), but they weren't anywhere as close as they were 2 days ago – which was noticeably odd to me especially after it being the distance that they were prior to. Also, from this side of the country, they were diagonal not straight across.

  3. No way, I saw them last night as well and I took photos of them as well. So, your going to tell me that within an hour they were north of me then moved across the sky to the west traveling slowly but surely. It's planets?? Ok!

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