West Fargo Man Hides in Closet After Armed Fight – Now Faces Felony Charges

Cass County (trfnews.i234.me) — Jonathan Whitmore of West Fargo is now facing a felony terrorizing charge stemming from a gun-related altercation last month.

According to court documents, police were called to a West Fargo residence on February 22nd. Whitmore told officers that he got into a fight with another man and, during the altercation, retrieved a firearm in an attempt to intimidate the other party into stopping.

However, the situation escalated when the other man slapped the gun out of Whitmore’s hand and continued to physically assault him. Following the confrontation, Whitmore hid in a closet to avoid further violence.

Due to the extent of Whitmore’s injuries, authorities did not immediately file charges. However, after further investigation, Whitmore has now officially been charged with felony terrorizing.

Stay tuned for updates as this case develops.

I’m Chris Harper, and I’m reporting for TRF News.

Did you know?

  • In North Dakota, “terrorizing” is defined as threatening another with violence and can result in a Class C felony charge.

  • West Fargo is one of the fastest-growing cities in North Dakota and has seen a rise in domestic incidents in recent years.

  • Felony terrorizing carries a potential prison sentence of up to 5 years under North Dakota law.

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