Welcome the New Year with TRF News! Travel South with us and check out our video report at www.trfnews.i234.me!

SOUTH DAKOTA (trfnews.i234.me) Happy New Year! TRF News is taking a trip down South!
hey everyone happy New Year it’s January 1st 2024 and just like last year on uh January uh January 1st I hit the road uh last year I drove from uh Los Angeles uh to Florida on the uh Christopher Columbus transcontinental Highway Interstate 10 got that story queued up you can take a look at that if you wanted to see that that’s a couple stories down this year January 1st 2024 I’m headed south I’m on I29 just passed into South Dakota got to go down to uh omahan hang a left uh this year I’m going to go to Savannah Georgia I don’t know why going to hang out there for a while kind of get a feel for a uh southern town show you a couple of stories two three three stores from there not really a road trip um as your uh day-to-day coverage on I news will basically stay the same we have uh people and cameras all around the region to keep you up to date and we’ll stay up with that I’d like to thank all you viewers this year we hit some uh major M Milestones as far as viewership uh making us a a major player in the news business across uh Minnesota and North Dakota we plan some more uh big changes here coming up uh later on this 2024 we’ll talk about those down the road here but um so headed to Savannah Georgia we’ll have a story or two from there and your day-to-day coverage will remain the same here on I news thanks for watching I’m Neil Berg reporting for I trfnews.i234.me


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