WATCH: Fargo Police Release Body Cam Footage of Shooting Incident – Viewer Discretion Advised!

FARGO, ND ( The North Dakota Attorney General releases body cam video of Fargo police shooting. One Fargo police officer was killed and two others wounded. The shooter was also killed. This is the entire news conference, including discussion of the body cam video.


  1. The man had his hands up surrendering and he was still shot several times again and again, and killed, executed. The officer shot him several times even though he was surrendering, and because of that I am so happy that he was able to take ne of them with him

  2. This guy talks so got damn slow, i think his age is catching up to him. because I feel like I am in slow motion when this guy speaks. 🤦‍♂💀
    I was forced to watch this video at 2x the speed just to feel normal again. 🤷‍♀

  3. to the 2 officers that are recovering i wish you both the best

    to the innocent woman that was hurt i wish you the best

    to the family of the officer that was killed my thoughts and prayers go out to you all

  4. We the people are getting tired of getting killed by police. This guy didn't open fire for no reason. Obviously, the person that open fire on the police has been abused by the police in the past. I guess somehow in his twisted thinking he figured he was going to get even? The violence by police and the criminal acts by police must stop. If the police want to stop getting shot at and their lives put in Jeopardy they have to stop screwing over the general public. It sucks that police officers died in this but, it appears that's going to continue until the police stop being so corrupt. We may be way past that point now, only time will tell and I pray that this will stop.

  5. Great response from the officer but this is a scenario where after the perp is wounded you walk up and finish him immediately so you can relay the info and get medical there and start working on the wounded yourself.

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