Wally Amos, the Man Behind Famous Amos Cookies, Passes Away at 88

Wally Amos
Wally Amos

Wallace “Wally” Amos, the beloved creator of the Famous Amos cookie brand and a passionate advocate for literacy, has died at the age of 88. Amos, known for his infectious charisma and love of cookies, founded the Famous Amos cookie empire, a brand that became a household name for its delicious chocolate chip cookies. Despite his success, Amos eventually lost ownership of the company and the rights to use his own name.

Amos passed away at his home in Honolulu, where he had been living for years. His family confirmed that his death was due to complications related to dementia. Although he faced challenges later in life, Amos found success in other ventures and remained dedicated to his advocacy for literacy.

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