1. I believe this is the record. If a 17 pound walleye was snagged and fought for several minutes, the spot on the fish where the walleye was snagged would be more than obvious. It would be indisputable. If no such wound exists, than no foul hooking took place. The Game and Fish should state in writing – even show with pictures – where the fish was snagged. If they cannot do this, then Game and Fish officials are at the very least incompetent. "Closing the case" is an euphemism for "we are too lazy. we don't want to work on this another minute. we have a headache. we are drinking coffee."

  2. I caught the walleye legally and this is supported by the taxidermist report which concluded the only place it could have been hooked was in the mouth. There are no marks or holes in the body, back or tail of the fish. Game and Fish could have proven it was caught legally if they would have accepted my evidence and the walleye when I offered it to them on May 10th. But what many people don't know is, Game and Fish refused to look at my walleye or my evidence. Here, you can listen to clips of my conversation with the investigator from Game and Fish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pGiEFcWGmA. If that wasn't enough, the only witness who provided an official statement speaking out against my walleye lied. Here, listen to what he says: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcUZMCUJN48. I can't let this go, not because I want a record which I NEVER applied for, but I can't let this go until Game and Fish makes changes to how they verify records and conduct investigations. People need to be held accountable for the damage to my reputation and what happened to me shouldn't happen to anyone else. If you want the full story, visit my blog: https://ndslargestwalleye.blogspot.com/. I don't have much posted at the moment, but I will be posting a lot more information and evidence for you all in the near future.

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