Video Footage Captures Bemidji Prowlers

BEMIDJI, MN ( An TRF News viewer in Bemidji captured some prowlers on video early Thursday morning.
here’s some I news security video from Josh over in buiji check over there by the garage some prowers at work early this morning this is about 1:30 a.m. at uh 15th Street Northwest in Norton in bmigi you can see they check the uh garage doors and then go over to the car and check the door handles there and go on their way uh just a reminder to everyone if you see something suspicious report it immed imediately now you can see them also here come up to the porch and check things out kind of creepy this is about 1:30 1:19 a.m. on this uh Thursday morning they go on their way they didn’t get anything here but keep it in mind if you see something suspicious call police immediately I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


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