Vehicle Strikes Boy on Bike in Crookston

CROOKSTON, MN ( A boy on a bike was struck by a vehicle in Crookston this morning. No names have been released yet.
hey everyone Neil Berg here in crookton we have a report of a young boy riding his bicycle who was hit by a pickup this morning it happened on the corner by the bridge uh and American Legion Club apparently according to a witness young boy was traveling pretty fast on the sidewalk at a pretty good clip went out on the street and the pickup was making a turn walk looking at oncoming traffic and apparently didn’t see the boy the boy was hit by the pickup and went down hard according to the witness now the witness says the young boy was conscious uh as he was loaded into the ambulance but he did hear uh emergency Personnel on the scene say that it appeared the boy had a pretty good bump on his head so no details yet on his condition he was taken by ambulance to Riverview Hospital in KRON uh KRON police chief Paul beerer tells me uh they’ll try to get some more details and release those later today we’ll have those for you as soon as they’re available I’m Neil Berg reporting for I

1 comment

  1. Haha this is funny. Cause I was on my bike and I wasn’t going fast I was going actually pretty slow. I pressed the cross walk thing and it was my turn to walk soo I went and I was hit.

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