1. you are spreading disinformation. walz knew of the deployment to Iraq months before he quit, & the NATIONAL GUARD & people he served with have confirmed those FACTS. SHAME ON YOU FOR POSTING LIES & DISINFORMATION FOR A POLITICAL AGENDA!!!!

  2. Please don't get political. The internet is inundated with non stop politics. Will you please stick to the local news? Reporting this will hurt your very small channel. The census is in the comments. No one here wants this.

  3. Maybe actually talk to the other National Guard members that actually served with Waltz! They probably got their final orders in July but they know way ahead of time before they are actually deployed! Unless it’s actually a national security issue! This is fake news at it’s worse!

  4. The guy did 24 years, filed his paperwork and retired, this is a non-story. However, there will be a small group of knuckledraggers who support the other side, many of whom never served a day in the military, who will think this is a story. Funny, they support a guy who had a Dr make up a story about his feet to stay out of the service completely.πŸ˜… You can't make it up

  5. His Own National Guard people state the media is using the retirement date to deny he knew when his rank at the time would have given him at least 2 months prior notice of what was coming. Spin by the media to cover Walz sadly.

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