Vaccination Requirement Implemented for All Employees in Traill County, North Dakota

HILLSBORO, ND ( Traill County Commissioners issued a mandate today that all county employees have to get the COVI vaccinations or wear a mask and get a COVID test every week.
a new covid vaccination mandate goes into effect on monday for all 85 trail county employees this morning commissioners in hillsboro passed a motion that all county employees have to be vaccinated or they have to wear a mask and do a covid test every week i’m told there are currently 19 of the county’s 85 employees who are not vaccinated it’s expected to be decided at the commissioner’s september 7th meeting what will happen to those who refuse to comply some companies are already firing employees who fail to get vaccinated i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye news dot tv


  1. My friend, genuine repentance and recitation of those words will protect you from calamities:

    "F a l u n D a f a is Good" and "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance is Good".

    F a l u n D a f a is a spiritual self cultivation practice that is based on the principles of the Universe:

    真 Truthfulness
    善 Compassion
    忍 Forbearance

    It involves gentle exercises and meditation. Thanks to F a l u n D a f a,
    millions of people regain health, peace of mind and obtain spiritual
    fulfillment. Since the year 1999 this peaceful practice has been brutally persecuted by the CCP in China.

  2. How did they obtain the information of how many are not vaccinated?
    The employees were NOT ASKED!
    They were signaled out and Traill Co. obtain the information else where….🤔 where and how and how legal is that??????!!!!!!

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