Urgent Update: Two Ambulance Teams Dispatched to Crookston, MN Jail

CROOKSTON, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Two ambulance crews were called to jail in Crookston, Minnesota Wednesday morning. * Check back later for more details.
and some breaking news out of crookton Minnesota on this Wednesday morning uh we had two different ambulance Crews called to the Northwest Regional Correctional Center the jail uh here’s the first of those calls at uh 9:00 a.m. on this Wednesday B County Beijing cookson ambulance please respond to nwrcc uh sounds like they have an inmate male unknown medical requesting an ambulance cookman ambulance team to respond to the jail with team one we have uh CPR and AED use on an inmate at the jail now as you heard ambulance Crews called to work on an inmate at the jail in Crookston no further details I was just at the jail and left a message for jail administrator administrator Joey Peterson to contact me we’ll have an update uh if and when he gets back to me I’m Neil Berg reporting for in trfnews.i234.me

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