URGENT UPDATE: Trump Impeached by House with a 232-197 Vote

WASHINGTON D.C. (trfnews.i234.me) The U.S. House has voted to Impeach President Donald Trump for a 2nd time.
the u.s house of representatives has now voted for a second time to impeach president donald trump uh at this hour at 3 30 p.m the vote is uh 2 29 uh yay and 196 nay we have uh 10 republicans crossing the line um we’ll then wait uh after this for an actual yay nay vote state by state but they have the vote uh the house of representatives has once again impeached uh president trump uh the new york times is reporting that on the senate side mitch mcconnell majority leader will not agree to holding the senate trial on this before january 19th so it looks like uh the senate side of this uh the trial would take place after biden is inaugurated i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye news dot tv

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