URGENT UPDATE: SWAT and Extensive Law Enforcement Team Deployed in Crookston

CROOKSTON, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The Grand Forks SWAT Team was called to help with a high risk offender arrest in Crookston Wednesday morning.
Neil Berg here in crookston with some breaking news at the 1106 a.m on a wednesday we have law enforcement and the grand forks swat team called out in crookston uh police have just announced this is up by north acres estates trailer park uh they’re apparently serving a high risk warrant and the public has been asked to stay out of the area we’ll uh zoom out here a bit this is the trailer park off to the right here again no details on exactly what type of warrant but a warrant being served on a person who’s described as a high risk a warrant police cruiser squad car now moving into the area can’t show you a direct shot of what’s going on back there but uh again swa a heavy law enforcement presence and the grand forks swat team called out to serve a high-risk warrant at the north acres trailer park in crookston we’ll have more details as soon as they’re available in crookston i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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