URGENT UPDATE: Highway Closed, Heavy Police Presence at Pipeline Protest Site in TRF

Neil Berg here with some breaking news out of northwest minnesota at uh 11 10 a.m on a friday uh this is saint hilaire minnesota highway 32 here has been shut down this is just south of thief river falls a couple miles up the road is the line three protest encampment it sounds like from radio traffic they have a bus there and several arrests have already been made i also heard radio traffic saying they’re waiting for a tribal leader to come do a ceremonial prayer so at this point we haven’t been able to talk with law enforcement but we don’t know for sure they’re maybe trying to clear out the entire encampment that’s uh been there for months now we’ll try to get more information later today but a large law enforcement uh presence up at that uh pipeline protest encampment just up the road here a couple miles if you look back in some of our earlier stories you’ll see a video of that but at this hour on this friday morning highway 32 shut down here and a large law enforcement presence up at the protest camp along the red lake river about 2-3 miles straight down the road there check back later today for an update to this story i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


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