Urgent Update: Fargo Police Shooting Captured on Body Cam, Viewer Discretion Advised due to Graphic Content

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) The North Dakota Attorney General has released body cam video of a July 14th shooting that killed 1 officer and injured 2 others. The shooter was also killed.
good morning everyone uh just to get us oriented this morning um and thanks for being here I want to first I want to thank the Fargo police department the city of Fargo for again accommodating us with the use of this room I think the technology available to us here is useful for conveying um our message and the information we want to share with you today um again to get oriented we’re going to have up on one of the screens we’re going to have a still photograph an overhead uh photograph so that you can see sort of the layout of the uh of the area that’s going to be shown to you with a video that we’re going to release today you’re going to be seeing a an officer body cam a video you’ll see that this is uh impressive technology frankly the images are very good um they’re very easy to see um the video has been I I should add has been edited out of respect uh it will be clear to you why they’re edited in the fashion they are with some digital um blurring I guess I’ll call it there’s a bit of that and what I’m going to do this morning is I’m going to I’m going to go through the video one time just we’ll just let it play out for your viewing without comment and they’re going to plan to go through it a second time and I’ll stop at a couple of uh points uh in the in the video and uh maybe give a little further explanation uh this will all sound familiar to you if you’ve been uh here for these other events it looks like everybody is in the room today has been here before these as we’ve gone through the information uh so I’ll stop we’ll go through that next time and we’ll bear with us as we go through and try to get it to stop at the right points and we can have a little discussion about it uh Chief zavolski and his team are going to talk with you about uh internal uh Personnel matters and uh their evaluation of this body Cam and all the evidence involved in this case with regard to the use of deadly force which is a separate determination from uh our decision with regard to the use of force which we had the press conference here now uh going back a couple weeks we’ll also take your questions today and we’ve got a Time limitation I’ll tell you about right now at 11 30 there’s a space time limit rotation and I think every reporter in the room has my phone number you can call or we can talk outside further if you have other questions we don’t want to truncate that because of that that logistical consideration um tell you quickly about the video like I said before we get going and it’s an entirety and this is Officer Zach Robinson’s body cam uh by the way if I didn’t say that it is uh three minutes and seven seconds in length um to prepare you uh rather quickly it’s 58 seconds into the video that we’re showing today 58 seconds in is when the first barrage of unprovoked uh rapid very rapid fire from um from barakat’s 223 caliber rifle throughout the video you are able to hear the sound has not been in any way edited you were able to hear officer Robinson’s voice uh making repeated calls uh you will hear multiple commands from uh officer Robinson to Barakat um all of that is easily audible detectable on the video uh you’ll be able to view that Barakat never complies and persists as a threat until the very end when officer Robinson neutralizes the threat at 244 in the video that we’re going to be sharing with you today so with that if we could put up the still folder here we go all right this is what you see here along the bottom of the screen is 25th Street all right um north side is on the right side here South Side is on the left uh the cross street over here at the far left of the photograph is uh Ninth Avenue ninth ninth Avenue South this is taken this image was put together and I want to thank our folks at the the BCI got director gabraska here with us today and his crew um they put this with some technology that we have to put together the overhead image so that you can see [Music] um if you go into the parking lot section there on the far on the far right of that that’s barakat’s car with both doors open immediately to the left of it in the photograph that is uh the vehicle the other vehicle that was involved involved in the car accident that took place on 25th that was when it was pulled in there and where the um uh where the folks who were in that vehicle had been out taking photographs of it and waiting for the officers to walk over there and take their statements and then these are just some police vehicles that arrived that responded uh in the wake of Officer Robinson’s call and I should say the vehicle on 25th furthest to the right in this photograph is uh civilian Carly coccyx vehicle that was involved in that fender bender incident so without further Ado we’ll go ahead and play the video um start to finish three minutes and seven seconds [Music] thank you [Music] notice stop throwing up shots fired Central we got shots fired foreign AK-47 he’s shooting at us Central shots fired shots fired we got three officers now three officers down send everybody stop moving put your hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up hands up before I go five through four three officers down drop the gun drop the gun [Applause] drop a gun drop the gun drop the gun [Applause] drop the gun drop the gun drop the gun s you’re the only one just do anyone what’s up okay we’re going to uh


  1. I'm screamin at the screen for the officer "shooot him"… with 3 officers down by an animal with an ak47 you are clear to skip the "drop the gun" stuff… Highly professional officer! Someone's getting promoted! 😃 ✌️

  2. My prayers to all the officers. I'm sure these officers will need even more support going forward, both emotional and financial. Please support these officers as I will to the best of my abilities.

  3. I can hear in his voice the concern for his brothers but also having the awareness to stay in the fight. It brings tears to me that there are people in the world who just want to kill officers, kids and etc. 💙🖤💙🖤🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. What completely amazes me is that no one in the passing vehicles were injured by any of all that gunfire. Baracat obviously intended to murder more than one policeman. I am convinced someone was seriously praying.

  5. Officer Robinson is a true warrior. I understand he is back to work now. Most would leave the job after losing a partner and seeing the other officers and a civilian get hit.
    I hope he continues to have the strength to go on and continue to do good 🙏

  6. What’s really messed up is that there are actually people who care about the gunman, and what he was going through! I could care less about the murderer. What I care about is the family of the officer who was killed who is not going home to his kids tonight. That’s who I care about.

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