URGENT UPDATE: Demonstrators Breach US Capitol Building

WASHINGTON D.C. (trfnews.i234.me) Protesters have stormed the United States Capitol in the wake of the Congressional vote to approve election results.
everybody everybody’s attention please we have another announcement well that congressional vote on the presidential vote is on hold as protesters have stormed the u.s capitol uh listen here to reports of gas used inside the capitol and those who work in the capitol and representative senators uh asked to shelter in place or in secure rooms they have available as protesters have stormed the capital of the united states and as of uh 2 p.m on this wednesday afternoon there’s a curfew been called for washington dc for 6 p.m and at this minute it sounds like the it’s possible the national guard could be called in to help clear protesters out of the u.s capitol i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


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