URGENT UPDATE: Child Homicide in Western Wisconsin

CHIPPEWA FALLS, WI (trfnews.i234.me & trfnews.i234.me) A major new development in a horrific child murder in western Wisconsin.
and in wisconsin as investigators continue to search for a suspect in the death of a ten-year-old girl in western wisconsin police say they’ve increased their patrol around schools the body of lily peters was found monday morning near a walking trail in chippewa falls according to police her death is a homicide her father called police about 9 p.m on sunday after she failed to return home from a visit to her aunt’s house just blocks away school district superintendent jeff holm sent a note to parents recommending that children who usually walk to or from school instead of being dropped off and picked up by family members or trusted friends until further notice that was from our news partners kroxan.com radio and now this breaking news out of chippewa falls wisconsin from their police department police chief matthew kelm says an arrest has been made in this case the chief says quote a juvenile suspect has been arrested he was not a stranger the suspect was known to the victim unquote the chief would not name the suspect or say if the suspect is related to lilly i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. This is the worst kind of news, my heart goes out to Lily Peters and her family, friends. There just aren't words for your loss, I am so sorry. Prayers and love to sweet Lily Peters, may she rest in peace, held in the angel's arms. We will never forget her name and her beauty. Let us hold our children close every day, watch for the safety of every child and learn how to see and catch the monsters.

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