URGENT: Aircraft Arrival at GF Airport Reports Smoke in Cockpit

via YouTube Capture
hey everyone Neil Berg here uh just pulling into the Grand Forks Airport it’s uh 4:48 p.m. on uh Friday uh we have an alert going on uh emergency vehicles uh pulling in right now um report of a Boeing 737 with the smoke in the cockpit uh with 127 people on board it’s about uh 30 minutes out yet uh there’s more fire trucks pulling in behind me we’ll have to wait here before we get up to the scene again at uh 447 an alert call at the Grand Forks Airport uh because of a uh Boeing 737 in route to Grand Forks I’m not sure where that flight originated but if it’s a commercial flight it’s uh almost all of them out of uh Minneapolis again a report of smoke in the cockpit of a Boeing 737 uh 127 people on board uh no no confirmation yet on what airline that that is it’s only a couple commercial airlines that fly out of here uh Allegient and uh Delta and their and Delta’s carriers um just waiting to hear more we’ll get up to the scene here I believe at this point uh emergency uh hang on here we’ll listen in a bit [Music] emergency emergency Personnel are just moving into a staging area waiting for that plane to land uh which would probably uh be landing oh about uh 10 minutes after 5 so we’ll see what [Music] happens 62 Central okay I just wanted to [Music] I all right just listening in to see what’s going on here again at about 47 447 alert call here at the Grand Forks Airport uh because of a uh Boeing 737 reported smoke in the cockpit um 127 people uh on board and route to the uh Grand Forks Airport we’re just pulling into the airport now emergency uh fire trucks and other Personnel along with the airport fire department and you can’t see from this angle but they’re stage back out behind the uh flight buildings and again uh at the time of that call it should be around 5 510 515 uh when that by the time that plane uh makes it here to Grand Forks um we’ll be uh set up out uh by the runway here and uh see what [Music] happens 15 miles out about 2 minutes oh they’re only 15 miles out now more emergency Personnel coming into the area behind want us to Stage stageing actually maybe we’ll just if they’re that close we’ll just get out of the truck here and walk up and see we can see [Music] [Music] all right ambulance we can walk out to the fence here and take a look again at about uh well I heard the first call about 443 then at 447 a call that a a Boeing 737 had smoke in the cockpit 127 uh folks on board emergency personnel already staged out here security now you have limited access of what I could show you where it can be and actually I’ve just heard that was the uh that was the last emergency crew coming in that was two that was uh just 2 minutes out it’s hard to see but there’s a fire truck stage right out on the runway there look way back in the corner 6 P up here just light up to my left okay and then farther down the runway there’s other uh emergency another fire truck down there there one two and at least one or two more from the uh City of Grand Forks beyond the uh airport uh fire Cruise no word yet on how bad that smoke problem was in the cockpit okay we’re going to uh break here for a minute and so I can get you this report out and uh then I’ll be standing by when the plane lands the Grand Forks Airport I’m Neil Berg reporting for in trfnews.i234.me

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