Updates to Hazardous Intersection in Crookston, Minnesota

CROOKSTON, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The Minnesota Department of Transportation is making some changes to a dangerous corner in Crookston.
in response to a young girl being hit on her bike by a semi trailer here at this corner in crookston on october 5th the minnesota department of transportation announced today cruz will remove the right turn lane here on westbound roberts street early next week motorists turning north which would be down the street that way from robert street will no longer use the right turn lane the city has removed four parking spaces on the east and west sides of broadway to allow for wider turning movements and better sight lines motorists should obey traffic signs and use caution the work is expected to last two days i’m Neil Berg reporting for kroxam.com

1 comment

  1. First of all that kids should have been by that street corner that clothes don't parents teach them anything can't blame truck drivers some of the people driving cars there don't give the truck drivers any space you should really look at where the true problem lies

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