UPDATE: Political Dispute Potentially Led to Fatal Vehicle-Pedestrian Accident at ND Street Dance

UPDATE: Political Argument May Have Spurred Deadly Vehicle-Pedestrian Crash At ND Street Dance

MCHENRY, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Formal charges have now been filed in a deadly vehicle-pedestrian crash in McHenry, North Dakota early Sunday morning. Court documents suggest it may have been spurred by a political argument. Cayler Ellingson was killed and Shannon Brandt is facing criminal charges.
UPDATE: Brandt appeared in court. Bail set at $50,000, meaning $5,000 cash through bondsman. Preliminary Hearing scheduled for October 11 to determine if there is enough evidence to bring matter to trial.


  1. Street dance? North Dakota? Late at night? I have no doubt Brandt had been drinking. Look at his booking photo.

    Remove all politics from this and every state's or district attorney would be throwing the book at this guy for drunken vehicluar homicide.

    There's not even mention of that … as if the guy could walk if they remove the "false" claims of political motivation.

    Fugging nuts.

  2. All politics aside, why is a confessed murderer out of jail on bond? Clearly this guy is a danger to himself and the community. Except for the one thing, politics is totally involved. There are people being held in prison right now since January 6 for trespassing without bond.

  3. My father was killed and hit and run on his bicycle earlier this year in Houston Texas the man admitted to drinking and he did not report it and fled the scene and called the next day in the morning to turn himself in, while my father laid there and died. This man is only being charged with failure to render aid involving death which is a maximum of five years in that county and I think it's absolutely ridiculous and in no way Justice.

  4. My Peace off the Holy Spirit Comforter his Family.. Rest in
    Peace Beautiful young man 🙏🏽
    Biden Must be charged and Impeached over this!! Biden is the modern day Hitler.. spewing anger and hatred!

  5. I don't see my self as left or right… but just watching how the Democrats have managed to warp the weak minded vulnerable individuals and then subtlety letting everyone know it's okay to do by not punishing the man. It's scary.

  6. This guy has the gall to say he has a family, job, house he doesn’t want to go by the wayside ?? What grown man who cares about that is out in the middle of the night, drunk arguing with an 18 year old kid. Lock him up !

  7. Ok this Biden liberal supporter who already had a Biden bully attitude was drinking and behind the wheel of a vehicle and got all evil in his mind to kill a Trump supporter. WTF? This is the mantality of these peopl we have to deal with. Unreal wtf? you Fn pos liberal need to go.

  8. Brandt talks like he has brain damage add alcohol and it's a nutcase with a car. I'm all for mowing down seditionists but there's nothing revealed about opinions revealing anyone was a seditionist.

  9. Cayler Ellingson. SAY HIS NAME. Send Trump hating monster, and murderer, Shannon Brandt to prison for life, so Cayler, and his heartbroken family can get much deserved justice. SAY HIS NAME, SAY HIS NAME all you vile disgusting Trump hating degenerates.

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