UPDATE: Newly Released Information on Arrest of Murder Suspect Eric Reinbold and Responses from Local Residents

OKLEE, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We have more details regarding the capture of murder suspect, Eric Reinbold early Thursday morning. Plus reaction from his neighbors.
Neil Berg up here northeast of oakley minnesota where murder suspect eric reinbold was captured at 12 30 a.m on this wednesday i have a few more details on what led to his capture and how he was able to escape from law enforcement for nearly a month also reaction from folks who live in the area yes very happy he’s caught safety of my family and my kids okay were you kind of worried when he’s on the loose just a little bit um we end up putting a gate at the end of our driveway locking our doors at night and basically not doing anything after dark okay did you know eric i didn’t know him i knew his wife a little bit because i um he’s there only about four miles south uh actually west of us were you a little worried when he’s on the loose and glad he’s caught absolutely i mean it was right down the road my kids were scared to go outside my five-year-old is like mom there’s a guy running around that killed his wife so she was terrified if she heard things in the dark and okay she would wake up screaming at night and now these woods are the area reinbold was captured in at 12 30 a.m on this wednesday it’s just across the road from his parents home it’s the same area he was convicted of possessing pipe bombs in a few years ago and released from a prison on probation earlier this year sheriff mitch bernstein says this morning reinbold was spotted on a camera and u.s marshals equipped with night vision equipment dogs air support and assisted by red lake and pennington county deputies moved in and arrested reinbold without incident sheriff bernstein says they found no bunker booby traps or bombs and he says at this point they have no evidence ryan bold was assisted by anyone during during his nearly one month on the run so why was he able to hide so long well here’s a closer look at the underbrush in this area you can’t simply walk through it if you’re willing to crawl in and lie down it appears to be quite easy to conceal yourself from someone who may be just a few feet away sheriff bernstein says they may take a closer look at the area this fall when the foliage drops off but at this point he says they’re just happy reinbold is in custody and the main point of all this the murder investigation of his wife lacet on july 9th can move forward but pennington county sheriff ray kuznia says a bail hearing for reinbolt is set for this friday in thief river falls i’m neal carlson reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. No Bail !! He took my niece life and 40 year maximum is no justice for lissette and is a slap in the face for the family. he has no regard for life and if he took his wife the mother of his children life I can only imagine what he is capable of doing to someone else lock him up for life thats what he deserves he is nothing but a Demon 😈 in disguise we the family are suffering our terrible loss of our beloved lissette she did not deserve to Die like that it was not her time ! as God is given and only him can take our life 💔

  2. Can anyone imagine the impact this has on their children especially finding their mom on the ground in her condition. Not to mention knowing their Dad did this! Unbearable! He gets out of jail and then this happens. His parents were feeding him, how stupid do they think we are? A mom won't let her child starve no matter their age or go without a shower, etc. Just so sad all around.

  3. Domestic Violence needs to be talked about and stricter laws need to be set. A person can only take so much abuse before they 1) successfully escape, 2) suicide, 3) kill their abuser (self-defense), or 4) end up dead. 3 and 4 happen more than 1 and 2 and 2 more than 1. What more will it take to put harder laws into place to protect the victims? Education just isn't enough!

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