UPDATE: New Information Emerges in Bemidji Homicide Investigation

UPDATE: More Details In Bemidji Murder

BEMIDJI, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We have more details in an early Saturday morning murder in Bemidji, Minnesota. One man is dead. Multiple suspects have been detained. We also have a statement from a person who claims to have witnessed the incident.


  1. I'm thinking the slaps on the wrists for DWI's and god knows what other crimes could be an issue. I saw someone get virtually nothing for their multiple, felony DWI. I think harsher, lengthy punishment needs to be implemented in all areas of crime.
    I don't know who the softy is in Beltrami county handing out punishments is, but they gotta quit letting repeat offenders off so doggone easily, ffs! That could be one issue.
    If people know that the justice system doesn't hand out longterm sentencing, why not engage in criminal acts? People can just play the, "Boohoo, my life is hard" card and play on sympathy in court to get less harsh sentencing.

    I've noticed lots of repeat offenders on the inmate list. Doesn't law enforcement and the courts get sick of the repetitiousness of individuals unwilling to lead responsible lives? I'm tired of it and don't deal with nobody like that! I can't imagine what it'd be like constantly dealing with the same bungholes all the time!

  2. I hope the sentence them like adults and they go to prison for at least half their lives. They aren't baby's if they are killing people. They know right from wrong and should be sentenced accordingly. They took a life, now they lose theirs…

  3. Bemidji, Beltrami's County is a trap. Bemidji does everything they can to not give the youth a damn thing to do. The city concil is trash. They do the dumbest nost worthlest projects and dont listen to the people in the community. I can go for days on this. The law enforcement, courts, Judges, County Attorneys,child protection agencies, social services, all the federal, all the state, everyone in a leader, official position is a scumbag corrupted criminal. The jail the juvenile center, everything and everyone needs to be locked up with serious charges and prison time, years. I've witnessed over 30 years of the same people doing the same crap destroying every good family doing nothing good. The law here knowingly lets so many people die, because they are trying to kill people. THE CORRUPTION IS DEEP HERE

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