Update: Missing Headstone Located – No Foul Play Suspected

WINGER, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We have an update regarding a 16-year old’s headstone disappearing from a Winger, Minnesota cemetery on his birthday. It’s been found and no crime was involved.
Neil Berg out here at the cemetery by winger minnesota on the case of the missing headstone it’s been found and there was no criminal intent the mother of j.r simons a 16 year old who was killed in a 1996 accident discovered his headstone was missing on this halloween weekend jr’s birthday she reported it stolen yesterday and today inews did a story about the incident which was seen by a monument company employee who was able to straighten out a big miscommunication mess with mom years ago the mother had asked for the lettering on jr’s headstone to be fixed it was fading it didn’t happen and since that time another monument company partnered or took over the original monument company that sold it the original monument company told mom they had no idea what happened to the headstone but the new company says they were finally fulfilling that original work work order to fix the lettering and they accidentally uh knocked jr’s photo off the headstone while repairing it and had to take it back to the warmth of their shop to finish repairs jr’s headstone will be delivered and put back in place tomorrow from winger minnesota i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


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