UPDATE: Massive Cleanup Underway After Train Derailment Near Carrington, North Dakota.

BORDULAC, ND (trfnews.i234.me) – A massive cleanup is now underway following a train derailment and fire in Bordulac, southeast of Carrington, North Dakota. Multiple crews and contractors are currently on the scene.

The fire started early Friday morning when the train derailed. It was extinguished by Sunday, and now the cleanup has begun. Neil Berg reports from Bordulac, a small town now bustling with activity as it hosts about ten times its usual population due to the influx of cleanup crews.

The derailment involved 26 to 29 cars of a Canadian Pacific Kansas City train at 3 a.m. on Friday. Fortunately, the engineer and conductor were not injured. However, the fire presented significant challenges as the train was carrying methanol, sulfur, and anhydrous ammonia—substances widely used by farmers as nitrogen fertilizers.

With the derailed cars now emptied of their hazardous contents, the next step is removing the tangled wreckage to allow rail crews to begin repairing the tracks. Engineering crews are also on-site to test and remove any potentially contaminated soil. An emergency manager has confirmed that the containment measures are working, and there is no contamination of local water sources.

The streets and highways in and around Bordulac are lined with trucks and equipment, all part of the effort to clean up this major incident.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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