UPDATE: Lawsuit Brewing Over Deadly Police Shooting In Crookston, MN, 2nd Man Killed By Same Officer

CROOKSTON, MN (trfnews.i234.me) – A lawsuit is brewing over the shooting death of a man at a Crookston, Minnesota homeless shelter on June 30th. It’s the second man shot and killed by the same Crookston Police Officer this year.

Authorities have identified the man shot and killed by police at a northern Minnesota homeless shelter late last month, as well as the officer involved — who was already on leave for a previous fatal shooting earlier this year.

Crookston police officer Nick Fladland deployed his Taser and then fired his handgun, killing 44-year-old Christopher Ryan Junkin, according to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA). Officer Corey Rich also used his Taser, while Polk County Deputy April Hansen utilized a chemical irritant and her Taser.

On June 30, around 11:45 p.m., Crookston police and the Polk County Sheriff’s Office responded to reports of a fight at the homeless shelter. Upon arrival, officers found Junkin actively breaking items inside the shelter. Despite commands to stop and put his hands behind his back, Junkin continued his behavior, leading to the use of less lethal measures.

The officers retreated down a hallway, with Junkin following them. At this point, Fladland fired his handgun, striking Junkin. Despite receiving medical aid, Junkin died at the scene.

Officer Fladland, with five years of law enforcement experience, is currently on critical incident leave. He was also involved in another deadly shooting on May 16, where he shot and killed 35-year-old Andrew Scott Dale, who allegedly approached officers with a hatchet.

The incident was partially captured on body cameras, which are being reviewed as part of the investigation, the BCA said.

I’m Casey Rivers reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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