UPDATE: Incident Reported at Crookston Walmart

CROOKSTON, MN (trfnews.i234.me) An incident at a Crookston Walmart Sunday evening is being reviewed.
*UPDATE: Crookston Police Chief Paul Biermeier now tells TRF News it’s possible the City Attorney could review this case for charges. More details later today.
Joshua batt sent I news this video clip Sunday evening saying a Crookston Walmart employee asked to see the receipt for items as he was leaving the store and then knocked his cellphone on the ground as he was recording the incident yes you are after posting this clip another man posted on Facebook that he witnessed the incident and stated the manager only asked to see the customers receipt the customer got irate and started yelling and the manager calmly repeated a request to see the receipt and the customers attitude just got uglier at that point we reached out to the manager at the Crookston Walmart and worked directed to corporate headquarters where we left an email asking for comment and were waiting to talk with Crookston police regarding the incident and we also expect to hear more from Joshua batts later today check back later today for an update on this story I’m Neil Berg reporting for i-news TV


  1. She needs to be gone immediately…
    They spend millions of dollars setting checkout lines at the exits. So you can check out and walk out.
    You transaction is over and purchased goods belong to the customer the instant they are paid for.
    They have no right to check anyone's receipt after check out. Period. Exclamation point.

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