Update: Fire at 5533 20th Street South in Fargo Extinguished, No Injuries Reported

Fargo, North Dakota – New details have emerged regarding the fire at 5533 20th Street South in Fargo on Thursday evening.

Fargo Fire Department crews were dispatched at 5:45 p.m. after smoke was spotted coming from the backside of the house. Upon arrival, firefighters confirmed a significant amount of smoke and determined that a fire had broken out inside the structure.

The house was locked and appeared to be unoccupied, leading crews to force entry before advancing to the second floor, where they located and extinguished the fire within 10 minutes.

Authorities confirmed that no one was home at the time, and no injuries were reported. However, the house sustained significant damage due to the fire. While early findings suggest the fire was accidental, the exact cause remains under investigation.

Further updates will be provided as more details become available.

I’m Chris Harper reporting for TRF News

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