UPDATE: Explanation for Bizarre Police Chase Given

BEMIDJI, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We have an update explaining a strange police pursuit in Bemidji, Minnesota Sunday afternoon. Taylor Grobove of Bemidji is facing a felony Fleeing charge.
we have an update to our story regarding a strange police pursuit in Bemidji Sunday afternoon 29 year old Taylor grobub of Bemidji has now been charged with felony fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle more specifically he was driving a truck pulling a trailer according to court documents at 2 44 Sunday afternoon a Bemidji officer heard a call regarding a truck with trailer headed Northbound driving erratically and running red lights a couple of officers wound up in pursuit of the truck that took some side streets at 40 to 50 miles per hour before only before it finally pulled into the mall parking lot and stopped in front of Kohl’s officers instructed him to get out of the truck and he initially refused an officer was able to open the door and officers placed him into handcuffs an officer located grobov’s driver’s license in his wallet and identified him a gropov stated that he was quote going to work but made several comments that made the officer believe he was having a psychotic episode when the officer asked him about drug use drobova stated that he hasn’t used meth in over two years he later admitted to smoking a blunt of marijuana earlier grow above told the officer he was hearing from both sides of his ears and that people were following him the officer transported The Grove of to the ER for medical clearance and then to jail where he was booked for fleeing in a motor vehicle and now formally charged I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me


  1. If he's having a psychological problem, it seems they should put him in a psych ward, for observation, instead of jail, where he might harm others.
    Seen that happen way to many times.

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